Champagne Centre facility is OPEN (August 2021)
As of August 4, 2021 we are happy to welcome back our swimmers and their families back to our Champagne Centre Facility. Call or email us for current programs and registration.
Allenby Location Update (August 2021)
At the current moment a decision is still pending by Toronto Public Health and the Government of Ontario regarding the approval and issuance of TDSB facility permits. We hope for more information and to provide further updates regarding a possible return to Allenby pool in the coming weeks. Please check back for updates.
We are currently taking a waiting list for a possible return in FALL 2021.
please email [email protected] for our Allenby location waitlist
COVID-19 Precautions and Policies
If you will be visiting the Champagne facility every person under the age of 2 must wear a mask or face covering and complete a health screening online and temperature reading before at the facility before entering. Masks must be worn at all times throughout the facility except when in the pool. Please use the provided hand sanitizer and or wash hands with soap and water prior to entering the facility. We also continue to ask if you or your child feels ill, is coughing, sneezing, has a runny nose, has a fever, has a compromised immune system or has travelled outside of Canada within the last 14 days to please refrain from visiting the facility until at least 10 days from the end of any symptoms. We also ask to limit the spectators in your party to a minimum of 1 guardian per swimmer. Please continue to only wear indoor flip flops or use the provided shoe covers within the facility.
-Every customer MUST complete a digital copy of our health screening prior to your visit to the facility and/or prior to a staff member arriving at your service location. these forms can be found on the homepage of our website halfway down page or:
MOBILE SERVICE HEALTH SCREENING (Instructors comes to your pool location)
-Every participant and parent/guardian will have their temperature taken prior to entering the facility.
-We are encouraging all participants to shower at home before and after your scheduled class. We ask if you have to rinse off after your class showers are available. Please limit your time in the facility,
- We are encouraging all participants to come to the facility in their swimsuits and ready for class. Change rooms will be available if needed.
-We are encouraging all participants to WRAP and GO after your class to minimize your time in the facility. Changerooms will be available if required.
-Please do not enter the facility until 5 minutes before your class time.
-Only 1 guardian/parent per participant allowed in the facility. Maximum of 2 if you have 2 or more children. Please refrain from bringing vulnerable individuals as a spectator to the lesson.
-We are encouraging parents/guardians of participants older than 6 years of age to drop off participants and wait in the vehicle or outside of the facility and pick up after class ends.
-DO NOT leave any belongings in the change room during class. We ask you to hold your Childs belonging during the lesson.
A chlorinated pool is one of the safest environments to participate in activities like the pool in a sanitized environment and viruses don’t live in a properly chlorinated pool. We are running the pool at higher chlorine levels than we normally would for extra precaution. The facility is cleaned multiple times a week by a professional cleaning company that sanitizes all surfaces, as well as our staff, are doing daily cleaning and sanitizing all heavily used surfaces including door handles, light switches, countertops, benches, guest chairs, lockers and change rooms. We are asking participants that come into the facility to sanitize their hands with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that is provided throughout the facility. All staff will be in masks throughout the facility when not in the pool and face shield while in the pool upon request. We can assure you we are taking all precautions and steps recommended by the local health department and organizations. Our customers' health and safety is our # 1 priority.
*We reserve the right to deny programming and service to anybody we feel is showing any illness while at our facility.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Aquatics Academy Inc.